Saturday, April 23, 2011



  1. Sounds like you did a lot. But I have to say that one of the differences I found between us is that I am an dancer/actress and you ar a pianist. I could never play the piano as well as you can. But i also probably would have never become a dancer without the music that a piano creats. So I thank you for being a wonderful pianist.

  2. You played a variety of intruments beyond piano and even made and sold your own pianos. You got a lot out of life in its diversity, whereas I stuck with writing novels as often as I could. I was always surrounded by my family. Even at an older age I lived my mother, sister, and family friend. There was never a time when I could be apart from them. I use to work in the social gathering room and when the nearby door would creak, signaling someone approaching, I would quickly stash my work away. I didn't mind the company, but it might've been nice to have some time alone.
